Before you shell out your hard-earned cash for your next flock of chickens, you should do some research to make sure you choose the best chickens for your backyard, budget and family.
Important Questions Before Buying Chickens
Here are a few common questions Coops and Cages is often asked about buying chickens:
- Where do I start? Where’s the best place to buy?
- What should I expect to pay?
- What does the council say about keeping chickens?
- Where do you buy chickens from?
- What’s the best age – young or old?
This general information applies to buying chickens throughout all states and territories in Australia.
Where Can I Buy Chickens?
We’ve put together a full list of local companies that breed chickens (not in any order) that are all based in Australia to help you get started.
We can’t say for sure, but some of these breeders do offer an interstate transport service, mainly between NSW, VIC, QLD and ACT.
How much Do They Cost?
Without giving exact costs, we do have some approximate costs that will help you get an idea of what you can expect to pay.
Day old chickens usually cost around $12 each. You should expect to have them vaccinated but unsexed.
Pure bred chicks (sexed) are available from around 4 weeks of age.
For a point of lay hen, common varieties cost around $26 each.
Then there’s the pure bred chicks (sexed) which are available from around 4 weeks of age and they will cost around $75 each.
Just to be clear, we can’t recommend or endorse any of these companies. We are just supplying a list of known breeders and therefore we can’t take any responsibility for the services they provide.
Ag Trader
Ag Trader is an online buy and sell listing service that often has chicken breeders listed.
AvGen Poultry
AvGen Poultry are specialist breeders of premium quality poultry breeds with transport throughout NSW and Australia.
Barter & Sons Hatchery
Barter & Sons Hatchery deal in a wide range of breeds from fertile eggs to day old chicks and are extremely well established.
Evans Chickens
NSW based, Evans Chickens is a breeder of a range of chickens including: Light Sussex, Australorp, Barred Rock, and Leghorns.
Kempsey Produce & Saddlery
Kempsey Produce & Saddlery are located on the Mid North Coast. Conveniently selling pet food and other farm supplies.
Kincumber Produce & Pet Supplies
Kincumber Produce & Pet Supplies supply chickens as well as food and accessories needed to raise your backyard flock and are Central Coast based.
New Leaf Nursery
New Leaf Nursery supplies a wide range of chickens from 4-week old chicks to laying hens.
Poultry Palace
Poultry Palace is a small NSW breeder that specialises in Plymouth Rocks and Polish Frizzles.
Sun Valley Produce
Sun Valley Produce provides both chicks and laying hens. Additionally Sun Valley sell accessories and food for your chickens.
Locky’s Chook Farm
Located on the Central Coast, Locky’s Chook Farm specialise in heritage chicken breeds. Locky can be contacted on 0468 747 430.
City Chicks
City Chicks are Brisbane based. They sell pure bred, heritage and hybrid chickens from fertilised eggs to pullets and all laying hens are vaccinated.
Barter & Sons Hatchery
Barter & Sons Hatchery is a well established business throughout NSW, ACT, and Melbourne. They offer an extensive range of breeds from fertile eggs to day old chicks.
Barter & Sons Hatchery
Well established in NSW, ACT and Melbourne, Barter & Sons Hatchery deal in a wide range of breeds from fertile eggs to day old chicks.
Comps Poultry
Located in Midvale, Comps Poultry supply many different breeds of chicken plus ducks and geese.
Do I Need A Chicken Coop?
A safe and sturdy coop for your chooks is essential for housing them and keeping them healthy.
The coop must be big enough for your chickens and be escape proof.
Features such as predator proof wire mesh and easy to clean metal trays in the sleeping area are absolutely key to ensure your chooks live a long life.
Chicken coops with asphalt roofs will keep your chickens warm and dry in the colder seasons and help keep them cool through the hotter months too.
Ensure nesting boxes are adequately sized and that there are enough perches.
For maximum ventilation, make sure your coop features mesh covered windows and doors.
Additionally, extra runs with easy-to-access doors will make life so much easier for both yourself and your chickens.
If your chickens aren’t provided adequate housing, you will get into trouble with your local council as well as increase the risk of diseases for your chooks.
At Coops and Cages, we offer a wide range of chicken coops to suit all shapes and sizes of chicken families.
Our coops are constructed from rot resistant Fir timber and utilise strong and secure hinges for long-life durability.
What Type Of Chickens Should I Choose?
There are so many wonderful chicken breeds to choose from that will suit you and your family.
Different breeds of chickens will have varying characteristics so make sure you do your research before purchasing. Some chickens are friendly pets, good egg layers or great for show or breeding.
Additionally take into consideration whether the chickens you buy will be happy in your local climate.
A wide range of chicken varieties come in smaller bantam versions, which is perfect if your plot size is a limiting factor.
Below are some of the most popular chicken breeds in Australia:
Breed Characteristics
Consistent Egg Layers:
ISA Brown, Leghorn, Australian Langshan, Rhode Island Red, Australorp, Wyandotte, Orpington
Great Pets:
Ameraucana, Silkie, ISA Brown, Pekin, Australorp, Brahma, Booted Bantam
Cheap To Feed:
Belgian Bantams, Sultan, Sebright
Show Chickens:
Ameraucana, Houdan, Booted bantam, Buff laced Polish
Tasty Meat:
Australian Langshan, Dorking, Plymouth Rock, Delaware, Brahma
Many chicken varieties have extraordinary plumage and colour and even lay unusually coloured eggs. You can learn more about the enormous range of chicken varieties here.
Can I Keep Chickens In My Backyard?
Yes, the majority of councils in Australia will let you keep chickens as long as they are housed in a clean, safe and hygienic coop.
Normally the maximum limit is between 5 and 10 chickens in residential areas but no roosters are allowed.
Regulations change from state to state but you will need to store your chickens at least 3 metres from your boundary point.
Chickens need to be secure and not able to escape, and not too crowded either.
What Are The Best Chickens To Lay Eggs?
Some breeders will conveniently offer Point of Lay chickens so as the name suggests, these chickens are about to start laying. These chickens are usually around 4 to 6 months old.
The most consistent egg laying breeds include: ISA Brown, Leghorn, Australian Langshan, Rhode Island Red, Australorp, Wyandotte, Orpington breeds.
Buying Fully Grown Chickens?
When buying fully grown be careful as mature birds may be nearing the end of their egg production life. Additionally they can be expensive to feed for little or no return.
Breeders and pet shops will typically sell chickens that have been vaccinated to ensure they don’t contract common poultry diseases
Fertile Eggs
Although breeding chickens from eggs may be rewarding and a cheap way to gain more chickens, you should still be careful when buying eggs online.
Buying from reputable sources will reduce the chance of getting scammed with eggs that produce the wrong breed, are not purebred or they may be damaged in transit.
Once bought, you’ll need to start incubating the eggs immediately at 18 degrees and ensure you’re turning them twice a day. Eggs should hatch after about 21 days.
How Old Should Chickens Be When I Buy Them?
The age at which you buy your chickens and even hatch them is completely up to you.
Options include: day-old chicks, pullets, point of lay and fully grown chickens.
Some things to take into consideration:
Day-Old Chicks
These are freshly hatched chickens, but not necessarily one day old. They can be a cheaper alternative to buying chickens but you may not in every case be able to determine their sex until they’re a little older, therefore you may end up with some males.
Additionally, you will need a source of heat to ensure they are warm at 33 degrees.
It works out great if you can use a hen to raise the young chicks but many hens will not accept chicks that aren’t their own.
Also, you will need to keep young chickens separate as adult chickens may try to harm them.
These chickens are younger than one year old and will have proven their egg laying capabilities. Pullets are normally the most expensive class of poultry.
Here are some of the testimonials we have received from our wonderful pet owners!
 "My ferrets were insanely happy when they first saw this. They kept running around and checking every nook and corner. Love it! Thanks for the great service. Will be buying for my rabbits soon."
ULtimate playground!
 "Man, this the ultimate playground for my cats,They play tag all the time and enjoy lounging in the cat cradle. If you want to keep your cat busy (and away from your furniture) don't hesitate to get this. "
 "We are loving our pen - easy to move, fold away if necessary. Great for moving around the lawn or bringing inside. Sales and service when buying online was excellent and very responsive."
If there are any questions that you have about our products, services, postage times or putting the enclosures together. We have a strict 24 hour email response policy, this fast rate of response should assist your decisions.
Customer Support
At Coops and Cages, we take customer service very seriously, so if you have any questions or worries, call us or e-mail us with any questions, or to place an order.
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Coops and Cages are Australian Owned & Operated. We have been operating for over 6 years, and have always been Australian Owned.
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We aim to help pet owners look after and properly care for their pets to ensure a happy and healthy relationship. We have many blogs and guides answering any of your questions.