Can You Give Dogs Cat Treats?

Can You Give Dogs Cat Treats?

Do you own both cats and dogs? If so, you’re probably aware they are opposite in many ways, so it is no surprise their diets are also different.

So, if you have ever asked yourself “Can dogs eat cat food or treats?” – you wouldn’t be alone in wondering whether this leaves your pooch at risk!

Can Dogs Eat Cat Treats?

Dogs and cats are two distinct species and have differing nutritional requirements. Although it is not necessarily harmful if your dog eats cat treats, they should not be a main part of their diet.

It is generally safe if your dog consumes the occasional cat treat, but it is best to stick to treats made specifically for dogs.

Before giving your dog cat treats, it is important to consider both their dietary requirements and safety as cat treats are designed to cater for the nutritional needs of cats.

Dogs Eating Cat Treats

Unlike cats, dogs eat a more varied diet including grains and vegetables along with meat-based protein.

Because most cat food does not contain the necessary levels of carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins that a dog’s diet needs for them to stay healthy, it should not be fed to a dog often, or as a substitute for regular dog food or treats.

Feeding your dog cat treats too often may cause them to develop chronic health conditions or problems due to the imbalance of nutrients in their diet.

Some potential risks associated with long term consumption of cat treats by dogs include:


Cat treats usually have higher calories than those designed for dogs, which can lead to weight gain if consumed too often.

This added weight contributes to obesity and can worsen existing health issues, such as joint problems, heart disease, and diabetes.

Digestive Issues

If a dog eats a large quantity of cat treats, they may experience significant gastrointestinal distress due to too much protein and fat.

The extra protein and fat in cat treats can lead to a variety of adverse effects, such as stomach cramps and intestinal discomfort.


Some dogs may be sensitive or allergic to certain ingredients in cat treats.

Regular consumption of treats with these ingredients could lead to itching, skin irritation, and ear infections.

Some dogs may be sensitive or allergic to certain ingredients in cat treats

To maintain your dog’s health, it is best to choose treats that are specifically formulated for dogs.

These treats will have ingredients that are safe for dogs and be better suited to meet your dog’s health and lifestyle needs.

Can Dogs Eat Catnip Treats?

Catnip is a leafy green herb belonging to the mint family which has a unique effect on cats.

Although the name may suggest it is exclusive for cats, catnip treats are also safe for dogs to consume in small amounts too!

Not only does catnip contain beneficial minerals and vitamins, but this humble herb may have calming effects on anxious pooches.

Its natural antiseptic properties are also known to help heal minor external cuts or scrapes, making it an all-round useful botanical for your furry friend.

Its natural sedative qualities may help to reduce anxiety in dogs and promote better sleep.

It is important to check the ingredients list of catnip-based treats first, as they may include extra ingredients that aren’t good for dogs.

Can Cats Eat Dog Treats?

While your love for both your cat and dog may be equal, their dietary requirements are anything but. It’s important to understand the individualised nutritional needs of each pet.

It is possible for cats to eat dog treats, but it should be done with caution as they have distinct differences in nutritional requirements and digestive capabilities compared to dogs.

While an occasional dog treat may not necessarily be harmful, it is essential to understand the factors that make dog treats unsuitable for regular consumption by cats.

One main concern is the nutritional difference between a cat and dog’s diets.

Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they require high levels of meat-based protein and certain amino acids such as taurine, that are not available from plant-based sources.

Taurine is crucial for maintaining healthy vision, heart function, and immune system health in cats.

Can Cats Eat Dog Treats?

Treats for dogs are often formulated to cater to omnivorous canine diets, which include higher carbohydrate and plant-based ingredients.

Dog treats may not contain all the nutrients and essential vitamins required by cats, leading to potential health issues.

Cats have a limited ability to metabolize carbohydrates, as their digestive systems lack specific enzymes needed to break down complex carbohydrates effectively.

As dog treats typically contain higher levels of carbohydrates compared to cat treats, feeding them to cats can potentially cause health problems like vomiting, loose stools, or an upset stomach.

What Is The Difference Between Dog Treats and Cat Treats?

The difference between dog and cat treats is generally their size, ingredients, texture, and purpose, catering to each animal’s unique physiological and behavioral characteristics.

Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they rely primarily on protein from animal sources for their nutritional requirements.

Therefore, their treats are formulated with higher protein content from meat, fish, or poultry.

On the other hand, dogs are omnivores and can consume a more diverse range of ingredients including animal fat, meat, protein, grain, fruits, vegetables, and other ingredients.

While most dog treats are made predominantly from meat-based protein, their ingredient list reflects are more balanced diet.

Difference Between Dog treats and Cat Treats

The texture of cat and dog treats also differ significantly. Cat treats tend to be soft and smooth, allowing their delicate teeth and jaws to easily break apart the snack.

Cat treats are also designed to address specific feline health concerns, such as hairball control, and urinary tract health.

In contrast, dog treats are usually dense, hard or chewy, catering to their strong jaws and natural instinct to chew.

Chewable stick like treats, as well as bones or antlers, also serve to strengthen their jaw muscles and maintain their oral health.

Dog Treats

Cat treats are typically meant for rewards, bonding, or occasional indulgence due to their higher caloric density.

Dog treats serve different purposes, including training tools, enrichment, dental health and mental stimulation.

Are There Treats That are Suitable for Both Cats and Dogs?

While not all pet treats are suitable for both dogs and cats, there are some treats that have ingredients that safe for both species.

These treats can range from certain human food items such as cooked red meat, fish or turkey which are high in quality protein, to specific store-bought pet treats that cater to the nutritional needs and preferences of both species.

Are There Treats That are Suitable for Both Cats and Dogs?

Look for treats with wholesome ingredients like oats or fish – then make sure that you check the label for any known allergens or toxins.

Always consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your pet’s health or diet.

Why Does My Dog Love Cat Treats?

Dogs may be drawn to cat food because of its higher meat-based protein content.

This is especially appealing to dogs since they naturally have a strong preference to eat meat.

Additionally, the smell and flavor of the meat in cat food can be more intense than in regular dog food, which may be why your pup seems to find it so irresistible.

Cat treats are often made from smellier ingredients such as salmon and tuna.

Treats That are Safe for Dogs and Cats

Pet parents who share their homes with both cats and dogs understand the challenges of trying to provide suitable treats that are safe for both species.

The good news is that there are safe treats that can be fed to both dogs and cats!

Treats that are suitable for both cats and dogs can be found in various forms.

Make sure you check the treats are labeled as being suitable for both pets to guarantee their safety and optimal nutrition.

Freeze Dry Australia is a leading brand in the pet food industry.

They have impeccably crafted a diverse range of treats including freeze dried sardines and chicken breast that meet the dietary requirements and sophisticated palates of both cats and dogs.

Freeze Dry Australia

By employing the advanced technique of freeze-drying, they have successfully managed to preserve the natural flavors of the ingredients, while maintaining their nutritional profile.

The treats are not only delicious but also provide numerous health benefits to both cats and dogs.

You can shop Freeze Dry Australia’s range of versatile treats here.