Category Archives: Ferrets

An Explanation to Strange but Common Ferret Behaviors

An Explanation to Strange but Common Ferret Behaviors

As a first-time ferret owner, you might find your pet’s behaviour strange and difficult to understand. Ferrets are quirky and full of unique traits that can be both amusing and perplexing. This blog is designed to help you decode your ferret’s funny behaviours, providing insights into why they do what they do. From deep sleeping […]

What You Should Know About Ferret Cages

What you should know about ferret cages

Ferrets are energetic creatures that thrive with ample playtime outside their cages, typically requiring three to four hours of activity daily. However, most of their time is spent within their enclosures, so providing a comfortable and well-designed cage is important. Modern ferret cages come in a range of shapes, designs, and features. Some feature solid […]

Ultimate List of All Ferret Breeds

12 Ferret Panda mini2

Would you like to live with a curious, affectionate, playful, and sociable ferret? We do not only stock the best ferret cages but also knowledge about how to raise them, look after them and the different type of breeds. They also have long life spans and can be litter trained, making them easier to keep. […]

Why Ferrets Bite: The Truth Behind a Strange Behaviour

ferrets, ferret care, ferret care guide, ferret biting

One of the most misunderstood things that ferrets do is biting. Biting is a form of ferret communication. Many ferret owners deny the fact that ferrets bite a lot because they fear the image of owning a ferret getting tarnished. All different animals, big or small, wild or domesticated, will bite depending on their circumstances. […]

7 Perks of Living with Multiple Pets

dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, pet care

We talked about tips on living with multiple pets on our last post. Now, we talk about the benefits of living with them. If living with one pet makes you happy, how much more can a few additional pets will make you happy. Living with many pets may be hard at first, but if you […]

How Pets Make Life Better This Year of the Fire Rooster

pet care, pets, year of the fire rooster

As a pet lover, there’s no denying that our fur babies bring a whole new level of happiness in our lives. Although there are instances when times get rough, they just manage to wake us up to a smiling face. So, for those of you who still don’t have a furry pal, you will be […]

A Useful Guide to Cleaning a Ferret Cage

ferret cage cleaning - 1

As a responsible ferret owner, it is your job to clean the ferret cage regularly. And when you say clean, this includes wiping, replacing the sheets, washing the accessories, and getting rid of the litter. Since it is just a very small area, we assume that it would be very easy for you to take […]