Tag Archives: Ferret Care

An Explanation to Strange but Common Ferret Behaviors

An Explanation to Strange but Common Ferret Behaviors

As a first-time ferret owner, you might find your pet’s behaviour strange and difficult to understand. Ferrets are quirky and full of unique traits that can be both amusing and perplexing. This blog is designed to help you decode your ferret’s funny behaviours, providing insights into why they do what they do. From deep sleeping […]

Why Ferrets Bite: The Truth Behind a Strange Behaviour

ferrets, ferret care, ferret care guide, ferret biting

One of the most misunderstood things that ferrets do is biting. Biting is a form of ferret communication. Many ferret owners deny the fact that ferrets bite a lot because they fear the image of owning a ferret getting tarnished. All different animals, big or small, wild or domesticated, will bite depending on their circumstances. […]