Category Archives: Dogs

5 Symptoms of Bloat You Should Know to Save Your Dog’s Life

A visual representation of a vet administering anti-gas medications and performing gastric decompression using a needle to treat early-stage Gastric Dilation-Volvulus (GDV) in dogs

As a dog owner, it is your responsibility to keep your dog happy and healthy. Bloat is a serious medical emergency that can put your dog’s life at risk. It is important you know the first signs of bloat so you can act right away. What is Bloat in Dogs? Bloat refers to a medical […]

The Perks of Using Dog Crates and Cages

A dog peacefully resting in a cozy crate filled with a comfortable bed or blanket

A Safe Place to Retreat The primary benefit of a dog crate is offering your pup a safe place where it can retreat. Your dog shouldn’t see the crate as a cage – it should see it as a private bed where it is protected and can relax. Many dogs instinctively prefer to rest in […]

10 of the Most Popular Service Dog Breeds

A service dog demonstrating various tasks: guiding a visually impaired person, alerting a deaf person to sounds,

A service dog is a specially trained dog that assists people with disabilities. They can be trained to do tasks such as guide a visually impaired person, alert a deaf person to sounds, pull a wheelchair, retrieve items, alert to medical episodes like seizures or low blood sugar, and provide emotional support. While any breed […]

The Best Dog Breeds to Raise If You Have Pet Cats

Best Dog Breeds to Raise If You Have Pet Cats

Welcoming a new canine companion into a household already occupied by cats can be a delightful venture, but it requires careful consideration of compatibility. Through my personal experiences and extensive research, I’ve discovered that certain breeds have a natural inclination to antagonise cats while others seamlessly integrate into your family dynamic. In this blog post, […]

How to Live in Peace in a Multi-Species Household

How to Live in Peace in a Multi-Species Household

My zoo-like household has every corner filled with the joyful chaos of furry, feathered, and scaly friends. Living in a multi-species household is an adventure I wouldn’t trade for anything. From the playful antics of my dogs to the soothing purrs of my cat, and the melodious chirps of my birds, each pet brings its […]