Discover tips for crate training an older dog, ensuring their comfort and safety. Avoid common mistakes in the process.
Tag Archives: dog
Training your dog to learn basic commands and behaviours can be an incredibly rewarding experience for both you and your pup. But there’s no denying that it requires patience, persistence, and a little bit of bribery from time to time in the form of dog treats!
Poodles have a wonderful temperament, an adorable appearance and are an intelligent breed. They also have a non-shedding coat which is suitable for a pet owner with allergies. This makes them an ideal family pet.
The Bernedoodle is an adorable designer breed (aka. hybrid breed) that is growing in popularity.
They are sometimes called a Bernese Poodle, Bernese Mountain Poo, Bernese Mountain Doodle or Bernepoo.
This affectionate yet playful dog breed is a great pet for families with children.
The Bordoodle is a Border Collie Poodle mix. They are a designer dog breed rapidly growing in popularity as backyard pets.
They are also known as a Borderdoodle, Borderpoo, Borpoo or simply a Border Collie Poodle mix.
Aussiedoodles are a popular hybrid dog breed. They are a Poodle crossed with an Australian Shepherd. They are also sometimes known as Aussiepoo or Aussiepoodle.
If you are considering getting a purebred dog, you may want to consider any of the below breeds. Our team has extensive experience with dog kennels, puppy information and dog training that we write about through-out the entire blog. Afghan Hound Common Breed Names: Tazi Spay, Sag-e Tazi Alternative Breed Names: Kuchi Hound, Tazi, Barutzy […]
When it comes to man’s best friend, the first animal that comes to our mind is the dog, which was one of the first animals to become domesticated. These friendly decendants of wolves have always been loyal to human beings. Every culture in the world has love for these furry friends and many enjoy the […]