Category Archives: Cats

How to Train Your Cat to Do Awesome Things

How to Train Your Cat to Do Awesome Things

Everyone knows you can train dogs to do tricks. But not everyone realises that you can also train cats. While cats can be quite stubborn, with patience and positive reinforcement, you can teach your clever cat a variety of commands. These are not only fun tricks (such as “shake hands”) but also practical instructions that […]

7 Tips for Introducing Your New Kitten to Other Cats

7 Tips for Introducing Your New Kitten to Other Cats

Thinking of bringing home a new kitten? It is an exciting time but can be a bit concerning if you already have adult cats living at home. As a devoted pet owner, I’m here to share with you some invaluable insights on introducing your new kitten to existing feline family members. In this blog, we’ll […]

5 Signs That Your Pet Cat Is Happy

5 Signs Your Pet Cat is Happy

As pet owners, we all want to ensure our furry friends are living their best lives, especially our beloved cats. Cats may not wag their tails like dogs, but they have their own unique ways of communicating their emotions and contentment. In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of feline behaviour and explore […]

The Different Causes of Cat Aggression

Causes of Cat Aggression

While cats are typically known for their playful and affectionate nature, occasional displays of aggression can leave pet owners feeling puzzled and concerned. Whether directed towards family members, other pets or even visitors, cat aggression can pose challenges and safety risks within the household. In this comprehensive guide, we aim to delve into the multifaceted […]

The Best Dog Breeds to Raise If You Have Pet Cats

Best Dog Breeds to Raise If You Have Pet Cats

Welcoming a new canine companion into a household already occupied by cats can be a delightful venture, but it requires careful consideration of compatibility. Through my personal experiences and extensive research, I’ve discovered that certain breeds have a natural inclination to antagonise cats while others seamlessly integrate into your family dynamic. In this blog post, […]

How to Live in Peace in a Multi-Species Household

How to Live in Peace in a Multi-Species Household

My zoo-like household has every corner filled with the joyful chaos of furry, feathered, and scaly friends. Living in a multi-species household is an adventure I wouldn’t trade for anything. From the playful antics of my dogs to the soothing purrs of my cat, and the melodious chirps of my birds, each pet brings its […]