Category Archives: Cats

10 Surprising Facts about Newborn Kitties

cat facts, kitten facts

Oh, talking about newborn kitties, they’re just so adorable! From the moment they are born until they mature, the mere sight of them can easily put a smile in our faces. Then again, it is worth knowing that aside from our personal interests, kittens also have a set of needs to satisfy in order to […]

10 Easter Dangers for Your Beloved Pets

Easter Dangers, pets, pet care, cats, dogs

Everything about Easter is just so exciting. Not only do you get to spend time with your loved ones; you also get to indulge yourself in sweet treats. Sad to say, this exciting holiday may pose threats to pets. From plastic objects, synthetic grass, poisonous plants, chocolates, candy wrappers, and poisonous plants, we’ll expose some […]

5 Fall Outdoor Clean Up Tips for Pet Safety

pet safety, clean up tips

Autumn is officially here. So, for those who are still planning what to do, we suggest you continue reading below. It’s time to pick up those rakes and do some cleaning, not inside your homes, but outside! Then again, when pets are in the picture, cleaning might not be easy. That is why we have […]

What to Do If Your Pet Seems Poisoned

pet poisoning, cats, dogs

Even if you take so much caution to ensure your pet stays in good shape, you can’t predict what may happen. Like humans, he might encounter happenings that may put his life to risk. One concrete example is poisoning. If you think your pet is poisoned, take action right away. Your every action counts. Then […]

Flea Control Tips for Your Cats and Dogs

flea control tips, pet care

We all have guests who enjoy outstaying their welcome. But for the case of our pets, these guests are causing extreme discomfort. You know who these guests are? Fleas and ticks. These parasites stick themselves to the bodies of your cats and dogs, sucking their blood. While fleas are very disturbing for us humans, they […]

3 Useful Tips on Naming Your Pets

naming your pets, pets

Giving your pets a name is one of the biggest decisions you should make as an owner. That is because it is something that will last a lifetime; it is something that will be used over and over again. Then again, choosing your pet’s name doesn’t have to be tedious. Rather, it should be fun […]

5 Pet-Friendly Lenten Season Resolutions

pet care, pet-friendly resolutions, Lenten season

When the Lenten season begins, we often decide to give up something, even if it means the whole world to them. It could be something we are used to having all the time or something that has a special spot in our hearts. Whether you do it in observance of Lent or just because you […]

10 Helpful Advice for New Pet Cat Owners

pet cat, cat care

Cats make excellent pets. Not only do they appear cute; they also make excellent companions. But then again, there is more to owning a pet cat than having a fluffy companion. So, if you are new to this whole pet ownership thing, there are several points to keep in mind. We’ve listed 10 of them […]

How Pets Make Life Better This Year of the Fire Rooster

pet care, pets, year of the fire rooster

As a pet lover, there’s no denying that our fur babies bring a whole new level of happiness in our lives. Although there are instances when times get rough, they just manage to wake us up to a smiling face. So, for those of you who still don’t have a furry pal, you will be […]

10 Common Health Problems in Pet Cats

health problems in pet cats, pet cats

Your pet cats may look in good condition, but they actually need your help to stay in perfect shape. That means regular checkups and shots are needed to keep illnesses at bay. Then again, by familiarizing the common health problems in felines, you will be able to identify early signs and get them treated accordingly. […]