Category Archives: Birds

A Checklist for Starting Pet Bird Owners

A checklist for starting bird owners

Are you thinking of getting a feathered friend instead of the more typical pets like cats and dogs? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Here we’ll run you through some things to consider before adopting or purchasing a pet bird. Before anything else, ask yourself. Are you ready for a new pet? Or is it […]

How to Properly Set Up a Bird Cage 

How to Properly Set Up a Bird Cage

Wondering how to properly set up a bird cage? Whether you’re a new bird owner or looking to improve your feathered friend’s living space, this blog will walk you through everything you need to know. From choosing the right cage to maintaining a healthy environment, we’ve got you covered for a happy bird and a […]

Caring for an African Grey Parrot

Caring for an African Grey Parrot

Welcome to our guide on caring for an African Grey Parrot! Whether you’re a new bird owner or looking to enhance your knowledge, this blog is here to help you provide the best care for your feathered friend. From choosing the right cage to understanding their social needs, we cover everything to ensure your African […]

Basic Things To Know About Your New Pet Dove

basic things to know about your new pet dove 1

Any birds like doves are best to be put in quarantine when first brought to your home. Before exposing your dove to handling, they should first get used to their new environment. To help your new pet adapt in its new surrounding, here are some basic and important information that you need to know. Newly […]

The Best Beginner Bird Breed to Raise as Pets

bird breeds, beginner bird breeds

A lot of newbie bird enthusiasts mistakenly choose birds that do not fit to their lifestyle. Many bird enthusiasts choose a specific bird species because of its attractiveness shape, colour, or personality. You need to choose the right bird for your lifestyle and personality because every species has their own need amount of care, affection, […]

Hand Feeding Tips for Pet Owners and Breeders

hand feeding tips, tips for pet owners

Whether or not you are a new bird breeder or a new pet owner of a bird, it is always a good idea to learn and master the basics of hand feeding your pet birds in case of an emergency situation. Normally, each bird can feed itself in a good and proper situation. But sometimes, […]

Symptoms and Things to Do When Your Pet Bird Is Molting

molting, pet bird, bird care

First of all, what is molting? Molting is stage in which the old feathers of the bird are replaced by a new set of feathers. Another way to describe molting is like a snake shedding its skin. Molting happens two times a year or even more. It usually depends on the bird’s age and the […]

7 Reasons to Get a Pet Lovebird

lovebird, pet bird, birds, bird care

People who want to take care of a pet bird sometimes ask themselves what kind of bird will they get. Different birds have different advantages and disadvantages. For example, having a parrot as a pet is expensive and very time consuming because some parrots are big. However, getting big type of birds like parrots is […]

What NOT to Feed Your Pet Birds

pet birds, pet bird feeds, bird cages

Feeding your pet bird in a bird cage or outdoors is your responsibility, but sometimes feeding it with the wrong food can endanger its life. Foods that are safe to eat for us humans are sometimes not the same with birds. Some can be poisonous to them and some can be life threatening. So, in […]