Ultimate List of All Birds Breeds

11 Bird Chattering Lory2

If you are interested in raising birds at home, a good start would be knowing different Birds breeds and then looking for some suitable bird cages. The list below will definitely assist with ensuring that you have all of the relevant knowledge needed to make a decision about which bird would be right for you.

Abyssinian Lovebird

1-Bird-Abyssinian-LovebirdCommon Breed Names: Abyssinian Lovebird
Alternative Breed Names: Black-wined Lovebird, Agapornis taranta
The Abyssinian Lovebird belongs to the parrot family and stands out with its mainly green feathers. It is considered as the biggest lovebird of all with a height of 6.25 to 6.5 inches. It originated in the Eritrea and Ethiopia region. This specific lovebird often lives up to 10 to 20 years. It is also noted for being among the quietest lovebirds. However, they can imitate the human language if they are trained at a young age. They love to play and climb so they can be taught tricks.

African Gray Parrot

2-Bird-African-Gray-ParrotCommon Breed Names: African Grey Parrot
Alternative Breed Names: Grey Parrot, Psittacus erithacus
The African Grey is believed to have originated in the West and Central African rainforests. It is widely considered as among the smartest birds in the world, earning them the title as the “thinking man’s” bird. That’s why owners like to give them names such as Freud or Einstein. African Greys also stand out because of their ability to empathise. Given their intelligence, they prefer playing with puzzle toys and interactive toys.

Amazon Parrots

3-Bird-Amazon-ParrotsCommon Breed Names: Amazon parrot
Alternative Breed Names: Orange-winged Amazon, Amazona amazonica
The Amazon parrots originated around the areas of South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. They are noted for their ability to imitate the human speech and various other sounds, making them good pets and companions. They are mainly green but with accenting colours that can sometimes be vivid. Amazon parrots can be territorial and often show their emotions through their feathers.They are prepared to bite if they fan their feathers, pin their eyes on you, and poise their legs wide apart. They love food but they love playing even more.

Australian King Parrot

4-Australian-King-ParrotCommon Breed Names: Australian King
Alternative Breed Names: Muaiz, Alisterus scapularis
Australian King parrots are only found in eastern Australia. They are around 17 inches tall and with a long tail. Male parrots have a red head, lower undersides, breast and a blue underwings, and bright green tail and back. Females, on the other hand, are mainly green with blue feathers on the rest of their body. Australian kings can mimic humans when trained early, but owners have to make an effort to earn the birds’ trust and to get them to socialise more easily.

Black-throated Sparrow

5-Bird-Black-Throated-SparrowCommon Breed Names: Black-throated Sparrow
Alternative Breed Names: Desert Sparrow, Amphispiza billineata
Black-throated Sparrows are small birds often living in the southwestern US and Mexico. They are about 4.5 to 5.5 inches tall with a black and white head and a pale grey colour for their upper body. They sing a tinkling, bell-like song. These sparrow species like to feed on seeds and insects and prefer to travel in small groups.

Border Canary

6-Bird-Border-CanaryCommon Breed Names: Border Canary
Alternative Breed Names: Border Fancy Canary, Serinus canaria
Border Canaries are the result of the evolution of common canary. They were bred in the Scottish Borders and the North of England in the 1700s. They are noted for their huge, alert eyes and well-rounded head. These birds are often found in clears, yellows and buffs, variegated, ticked, whites, blues, cinnamons, and greens. Border Canaries are active, social, good-natured, and engaging species. They are also low maintenance and trainable birds.

Bridled Titmouse

Bridled TitmouseCommon Breed Names: Bridled Titmouse
Alternative Breed Names: Baeolophus wollweberi
Bridled Titmouse is a small songbird, around 4.5 to 5 inches tall. These birds are crested with a patterned face coloured black and white as well as a black bib. Their crest is also black and white or grey. These birds love to forage on branches and on the ground. They often feed on caterpillars, berries and nuts.

Brown Noddy

8-Bird-Brown-NoddyCommon Breed Names: Brown Noddy
Alternative Breed Names: Common Noddy, Anous stolidus
Brown Noddy belongs to the tern family. It is larger and a bigger plumage than the Black Noddy. It is a tropical bird that likes to nest in elevated areas such as in shrubs, short trees, or cliffs, although there are cases with it builds its nest on the ground. Each breeding seasonIt lays one egg at a time during breeding season. Brown Noddies love the sea, especially the warm tropical waters, because of all the squid and small fishes.


8-Bird-BudgerigarCommon Breed Names: Budgerigars
Alternative Breed Names: Budgies, Melopsittacus undulates, shell parakeet, common pet parakeet
Budgerigars are small birds that are long tailed and feed on seeds. They are native to the desert parts of Australia. They are coloured yellow and green with black, scalloped markings on the back, nape, and wings. Budgies love to interact with people and even mimic words or phrases to humans. These birds love to play rough but can be quite flighty.

Burrowing Owl

9-Bird-Burrowing-OwlCommon Breed Names: Burrowing Owl
Alternative Breed Names: Athene cunicularia
Burrowing Owls are small but long-legged birds found throughout the South and North America. They earned such a name because they love to roost and nest in burrows. They are not like typical owls because they are still active during daytime, although their hunting time is still from dusk to dawn. Burrowing Owls have grey or dark yellow beaks, bright eyes, a flattened facial disc. However, they don’t have ear tufts. They love to catch insects.


Caïque maïpourri Pionites melanocephalus Black-headed ParrotCommon Breed Names: Caique
Alternative Breed Names: N/A
Caiques are small, stocky, and short birds that are native to South America. They are enthusiastic, which makesmaking them comical pets. They are found in two common species – Black-headed and White-bellied Caiques. Caiques may be relatively quiet, but they can let out a loud alarm call, tunes, whistles, and various other household sounds.

Chattering Lory

11-Bird-Chattering-LoryCommon Breed Names: Chattering Lory
Alternative Breed Names: Lorius garrulus
Chattering Lories are native to North Maluku, Indonesia. They are around 30 cm long with an orange beak and all-red head. The irises are orange red and the eye rings are grey. These bird species also have green wings with a yellow angle on them. They have green thighs, a dark green tip on their tail, and dark grey legs. Chattering Lories are playful, mischievous, and outgoing, though they can be aggressive at times.

Curl-crested Aracari

12-Bird-Curl-crested-AracariCommon Breed Names: Curl-crested Aracari
Alternative Breed Names: Curly-crested Aracari, Pteroglossus beauharnaesii
Curl-crested Aracari belongs to the Toucan family. It is 16 to 18 inches long and weighs around 190 to 280 g. These birds are usually found in the Amazon Basin’s southwestern section. They are easier to keep because they can be placed with any bird. They prefer being hand-fed. Curl-crested Aracari birds can also learn tricks and go through potty training.

Crimson Rosella

13-Bird-Crimson-RosellaCommon Breed Names: Crimson Rosella
Alternative Breed Names: Platycercus elegans
Crimson Rosellas are parrots that are found in the eastern and southeastern Australia. They are around 14 inches long. Young birds are mainly green, but they turn red as they get older. All subspecies have black-scalloped and blue margined wings with blue cheeks. They also have a mainly blue tail with red colouration. Crimson Rosellas are relatively quiet but love to whistle.

Diamond Dove

14-Bird-Diamond-DoveCommon Breed Names: Diamond Dove
Alternative Breed Names: Geopelia cuneata
Diamond Doves are native to Australia. They are relatively small and are around 7.5 inches tall and can live for 12 to 15 years. They are relatively quiet when compared to other birds, but they also cannot talk or perform tricks. These doves are noted for the black edges and white spots on their wings, red-eye rings, and orange eyes. Diamond doves love to eat seeds by pair or in small groups.

Emerald Toucanet

15-Bird-Emerald-ToucanetCommon Breed Names: Emerald Toucanet
Alternative Breed Names: Aulacorhynchus prasinus
Emerald Toucanets are noted for their large bill and brightly marked colours. Both males and females look alike, except for the fact that females are smaller with a shorter bill. These birds are intelligent and active. They are easy to pet and are quite friendly. Because of their active behaviour, they need a large enough space for them to hop, play and fly about in.

Fischer’s Lovebird

16-Bird-Fischer_s-LovebirdCommon Breed Names: Fischer’s Lovebird
Alternative Breed Names: Agapornis fischeri
Fischer’s Lovebird is a small parrot that is a mere 6 inches tall. It is native to Africa and is expected to live up to 20 years. It is generally quiet, although it knows how to make a shrill chirp. This lovebird has a green chest, back, and wings with a golden yellow neck that becomes orange as it goes up. Some of its tail feathers are blue or purple. Fischer’s Lovebirds love to chew so toys would help prevent a disastrous effect on your household items.

Gambel’s Quail

17-Bird-Gambel_s-QuailCommon Breed Names: Gambel’s Quail
Alternative Breed Names: Callipepla gambelii
Gambel’s Quails are small birds noted for their top knots and their undersides’ scaly plumage. They are around 11 inches tall. They also have rounded, short wings and long, featherless legs. These quails love to eat seeds and plant matter. They walk around and can move fast even through the undergrowth and bushes.

Golden Eagle

18-Bird-Golden-EagleCommon Breed Names: Golden Eagle
Alternative Breed Names: Aquila chrysaetos
Golden Eagles are among the common birds of prey that inhabit the Northern Hemisphere. They are dark brown with a golden-brown plumage on their napes. Young ones usually have white colouration on their tail and their wings. Golden Eagles are known as powerful hunters with only a few avian competitors in terms of their size.

Gloster Canary

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACommon Breed Names: Gloster Canary
Alternative Breed Names: Serinus canaria
Gloster Canaries are often raised more for their appearance than for their song or colour. They have a compact, roundish body. They are found in two varieties – the crested type, or the Corona, and the plain-headed type, or the Consort. These canaries sing pleasant songs that are choppier and louder than those sang by other canaries. Gloster Canaries are timid so they should not be caged with aggressive birds.

Goldie’s Lorikeet

20-Bird-Goldie_s-LorikeetCommon Breed Names: Goldie’s Lorikeet
Alternative Breed Names: Psitteuteles goldiei
Goldie’s Lorikeet is a parrot that is a native to New Guinea. It mainly has green feathers with yellowish marks on the chest and a blue, red, and purple colours in the head. It has a watermelon-like appearance despite being only 7.5 inches tall. Goldie’s Lorikeet is calm, making it easier to raise. It is considered as a good pet too because it can be satisfied simply by perching in their cage.

Great Blue Heron

21-Bird-Great-Blue-HeronCommon Breed Names: Great Blue Heron
Alternative Breed Names: Ardea herodias
Great Blue Herons belong to the heron family, Ardeidae. They are mostly found in Central America and North America. Their most distinguishable features are their slaty flight feathers, black and red-brown stripes on their flanks, and red-brown thighs. These herons make a harsh croak and will grow especially noisy during their breeding season. They love to eat small fishes.

Greater Roadrunner

22-Bird-Greater-RoadrunnerCommon Breed Names: Greater Roadrunner
Alternative Breed Names: Geococcyx californianus
Greater Roadrunners are long-legged birds that belong to the Cuclidae family. These birds are also noted for being snake killers and are sometimes called as ground cuckoos or chaparral cocks. They are around 20 to 24 inches tall and weigh around 221 to 538 grams. Adult birds have a long, dark bill and a bushy crest. They also have a dark head, long tail, dark back, and blue markings on their neck and belly. These birds love to feed on fruits, insects, and seeds, with their diet sometimes including spiders, centipedes, scorpions, and small birds.

Green Aracari

23-Bird-Green-AracariCommon Breed Names: Green Aracari
Alternative Breed Names: Pteroglossus viridis
Green Aracaris are toucans called as such because of the green feathers on their back. Female aracaris have a reddish-brown crown, while males have black. They love to eat fruits with the help of their large bill that can easily grip and pick the fruits. Their diet also sometimes consists of insects, which are their source of protein. Green aracaris are active so their cage has to have a lot of space and must have enough toys to keep them occupied.

Hawk-headed Parrot

24-Bird- Hawk-headed-ParrotCommon Breed Names: Hawk-headed Parrot
Alternative Breed Names: Deroptypus accipitrinus
Hawk-headed parrots are medium-sized birds that are 14 inches tall. They originated in South America. Their life expectancy is around 30 years. Their noise level is considered moderate and they can learn how to talk and perform tricks. These parrots love to hand upside down, a great ability showing their playfulness. They love spending time with their owners, although they can be extremely excitable.

Hyacinth Macaw

25-Bird-Hyacinth-MacawCommon Breed Names: Hyacinth Macaw
Alternative Breed Names: Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus
Hyacinth Macaws are large birds that are about 40 inches tall. They are native to South America and can live for around 60 to 80 years. They are very loud and are excellent in learning tricks. They are the largest flying parrots and the largest macaws as well. Hyacinth Macaws have a long and pointed tail, blue feathers on their wings, and a large black curved beak that is coloured black. Owners beware must exercise caution because these macaws love to chew and bite.

House Finch

26-Bird-House-FinchCommon Breed Names: House Finch
Alternative Breed Names: Haemorhous mexicanus
The House Finch originated in North America. They are around 4.9 to 5.9 inches tall. They have a square-tipped, long tail coloured brown and a dull-brown or brown marking across the back, and greyish wings. Their belly and chest feathers are streaked. House Finches love to eat seeds, grains, and berries.

Java Hill Mynah

27-Bird-Java-Hill-MynahCommon Breed Names: Java Hill Mynah
Alternative Breed Names: Acridotheres tristis
Java Hill Mynahs are small birds, about 10 inches tall. They originated in South Asia and are expected to live up to 15 years. They are good at mimicking the human language, although some can’t do it. These mynahs are active and tend to cock their heads when they are talking. They are curious, playful, and may sometimes make people believe that they are actual speaking humans.

Keel-billed Toucan

28-Bird-Keel-billed-ToucanCommon Breed Names: Keel-Billed Toucan
Alternative Breed Names: Ramphastos sulfuratus
Keel-billed toucans are around 17 to 20 inches tall. They are native to the region including the Southern Mexico, Venezuela, and Columbia. They can live up to 20 years and are good trick performers. Keel-billed toucans are mainly black with a yellow chest and neck. They have red feathers at the tip of their tail and blue feet. Their large bill is mostly green with orange sides and a red tip. These birds are quite vocal and make croak-like calls. They are also extremely active, which means more space for their cage.

Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

29-Bird-Lesser-Sulphur-crested-CockatooCommon Breed Names: Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Alternative Breed Names: Cacatua sulphurea
Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoos are around 13 inches tall. They are considered good talkers and good trick performers as well. They are entertaining, playful, and sometimes mischievous. These birds are highly skilled escape artists that know how to unlock cage doors. They crave attention, which if not given would lead them to show destructive behaviours.

Maximilian’s Pionus

30-Bird-Maximilian_s-PionusCommon Breed Names: Maximilian’s Pionus
Alternative Breed Names: Pionus maximilliani
Maximilian’s Pionus is a medium-sized bird, around 11 inches tall. They originated in South America. They can speak but cannot do so with a clear voice. However, they are considered as the best talkers among all the Pionus species. Maximilian’s Pionus tends to be more mischievous than its fellow Pionus parrots. Despite not having bright colours, they make up for it for being sweet to their owners.

Mealy Amazon

31-Bird-Mealy-AmazonCommon Breed Names: Mealy Amazon
Alternative Breed Names: Amazona farinosa
Mealy Amazons are one of the largest parrots among the Amazon species. They are mainly green and are 38 to 41 inches tall. They are native to South and Central America. These parrots have a short, squarish tail. They have a whitish mark on their nape and back. Mealy Amazons are often kept for being affectionate despite their gigantic shape.

Northern Cardinal

Male Northern Cardinal, Amado, Arizona.Common Breed Names: Northern Cardinal
Alternative Breed Names: Cardinalis cardinalis
Northern Cardinals are mid-sized songbirds that are around 8.3 inches tall. They are noted for their crest on the head as well as the mask on their face. Females have a grey mask, while males have black. The males are of brilliant crimson red colours, while the females are of a greyish-brown tone. They have a cone-shaped beak. Northern Cardinals mostly eat grains, weed seeds, and fruits.

Swallow-tailed Gull

33-Bird-Swallow-tailed-GullCommon Breed Names: Swallow-tailed Gull
Alternative Breed Names: Creagrus furcatus
Swallow-tailed Gulls are seabirds that survive on small fishes and squids. Both males and females have the same plumage. The breeding seasons though change the looks of the adults. During the breeding season, they have a black plumaged head and an eye surrounded with a bright red flesh. Otherwise, their head remains white and their eye rim stays black.

Wandering Albatross

34-Bird-Wandering-AlbatrossCommon Breed Names: Wandering Albatross
Alternative Breed Names: White-winged Albatross, Snowy Albatross, Diomedia exulans
The Wandering Albatross is a seabird that is found in the Southern Ocean. It is one of the biggest birds in the world and has been featured in many avian studies. These birds become whiter the older they get. The young ones start out with a brown plumage that grows lighter over time. The Wandering Albatross feeds on small fishes, cephalopods, and crustaceans.


35-Bird-WilletCommon Breed Names: Willet
Alternative Breed Names: Tringa semipalmata
Willets are large shorebirds with a stout bill. They have grey legs, a dark grey body, and a white tail with a white tip. Their wings have a black and white pattern. These shorebirds are found in two species – the Eastern breeds that are found in the Caribbean and Nova Scotia to Mexico, and the Western breeds that are found in western North America. Willets love to nest in short grass, mainly on the ground. They feed on crustaceans, insects, and marine worms.

5 thoughts on “Ultimate List of All Birds Breeds

  1. Bronwyn Potter says:

    Despretly trying to find out the breed of a two tone blue smallish male hands reared caged pet bird 🐦??? & no I’m not really computer savi???

  2. Cynthia Pearce says:

    Hi, I thinking about getting a bird I have chickens, peacocks outside and wild turkeys on my farm.i have always wanted a inside bird but want to get the perfect one.

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