Category Archives: Rats

Easy Ways to Keep Your Pet Rats Happy

Easy Ways to Keep Your Pet Rats Happy

Pet rats are intelligent, affectionate and social creatures that thrive with proper care and attention. This blog covers essential aspects of rat care to ensure your furry friends lead a joyful and healthy life. From monitoring common health issues to providing a balanced diet, you’ll learn how to keep your rats in top condition. Discover […]

How to Live in Peace in a Multi-Species Household

How to Live in Peace in a Multi-Species Household

My zoo-like household has every corner filled with the joyful chaos of furry, feathered, and scaly friends. Living in a multi-species household is an adventure I wouldn’t trade for anything. From the playful antics of my dogs to the soothing purrs of my cat, and the melodious chirps of my birds, each pet brings its […]

5 Things You Can Do to Make Rats And Mice Happy

rats, mice, rat care, mice care, how to keep rats happy

Most pet rats and mice spend their whole life within their enclosure or their rat cages. While you think it is good for them to keep them safe from the outside world, there are also some psychological and mental effects to them for being kept inside the cage all the time. They need more stimulation […]

Ways to Properly Bathe Your Pet Rats

rat care, pet rats, rats, rodents

A clean and well-groomed rat is a contented and healthy rat. Most of the time, rats tend and clean themselves, but there are these instances when their cage pals assist them in cleaning. That is because a few rats are not really into grooming, which means they will require regular maintenance to keep themselves tidy […]

How Pets Make Life Better This Year of the Fire Rooster

pet care, pets, year of the fire rooster

As a pet lover, there’s no denying that our fur babies bring a whole new level of happiness in our lives. Although there are instances when times get rough, they just manage to wake us up to a smiling face. So, for those of you who still don’t have a furry pal, you will be […]

A Proper Guide to Feeding Your Pet Rats

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We all know that rats tend to nibble any piece of food they may encounter. As a matter of fact, they are known to pick crumbs that are scattered on the floor. Even with their nature, you must never allow them to do that. Like any other animals, they too require certain nutrients to be […]

Everything You Need to Know about Rats

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In some countries, rats are considered pests. Even so, many people treat rats as great pets. For them, these rodents are not just friendly. They are also easy to deal with. But then again, to be able to appreciate them, one must know and understand that these adorable creatures have unique characteristics and traits. To […]

Ultimate List of All Rat Breeds

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Raising a rat may not exactly be something that you can expect other people to approve of. It is mainly because of their bad reputation as pests, although things have changed for the better now with more and more people opting to keep rats. They are actually clean animals that are obsessed with washing themselves […]