Category Archives: Cats

A Guide to Choosing a Cat Scratching Post

A Guide to Choosing a Cat Scratching Post

Does your cat love to scratch furniture? If so, you need a good scratching post to keep them from damaging your belongings. But with so many scratching posts on the market, how do you choose the ‘purrfect’ one? If you don’t do your research, you could end up having to purchase multiple scratching posts before […]

Is Heartworm Worse for Cats Than Dogs?

heartworm, pet care, cat care

Pet owners need to be aware of the dangers of heartworm disease. Heartworm is a serious and potentially fatal disease that pets can get from an infected mosquito. Although it’s most often found in dogs, cats can also contract heartworm disease. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the symptoms of heartworm in infected cats, how […]

6 Surprising Reasons Why Cats Hide

6 surprising reasons why cats hide

Do you have a cat that likes to hide under furniture or in closets? You’re not alone. Many cats enjoy hiding, for a variety of reasons. Understanding why your cat behaves certain ways can help you provide your feline friend with a more comfortable environment and help you create a stronger bond. Read on for […]

3 Best Places to Put a Cat Scratching Post

3 Best Places to Put a Cat Scratching Post

As any cat owner knows, cats love to scratch. They’ll scratch furniture, carpet, drapes – pretty much anything they can get their claws on. This can wreak havoc on your home, not to mention your wallet as you replace damaged items. A scratching post is a great way to save your furniture and give your […]