Category Archives: Cats

Clicker Training Cats – The Ultimate Guide

Clicker Training for Cats - The Ultimate Guide

Want to Learn How to Clicker Train Your Cat? If you thought clicker training was only for dogs, think again! Clicker training for cats is a powerful skill that cat owners can use to help teach their feline friend those all important manners. Not only does it encourage better behaviour, it will strengthen the bond […]

Why Do Cats Purr and Knead on Their Humans?

Why do cats purr & Knead

Cats are fascinating creatures that can provide hours of entertainment. Their unique movements and funny mannerisms are so different to our own. It’s no wonder we enjoy watching them so much! So, when your kitty starts purring at you or kneading on your leg, you may be curious why. Their behaviour can be such a […]

How to Keep Your Cat Off the Keyboard & Workspace

How to keep cats off your keyboard

Cats are naturally curious creatures and they often see your home workspace as an extension of their territory. If you work from home with a cat, you’re probably all too familiar with the feeling of having your computer keyboard jumped on and your workflow interrupted. This can be annoying for you and can also appear […]