Handy Tips in Using Cat Carriers

Handy Tips For Using Cat Carriers

Getting your cat into a cat carrier can often be challenging. This is especially true when they can sense you are going on a trip to the vet or a boarding facility.

But fear not! I’m here to share some handy tips to ease the process and reduce stress for you and your feline friend.

What Is Your Cat Worried About?

Although cats are naturally curious creatures, they strongly dislike being taken away from their familiar surroundings. When cats are taken outside the house for travel, they often feel stressed because it disrupts their usual routine and environment, just like it would for us.

Additionally, the confined space may trigger feelings of vulnerability or claustrophobia. Overall, the carrier represents a departure from their usual routine and surroundings, leading to heightened stress and anxiety.

Comfortable cat carrier

Make Your Cat Familiarise the Carrier

Before taking your cat out in a carrier, introduce the cat carrier to them ahead of time. Since cats are naturally curious, they enjoy exploring small spaces.

Placing your cat’s favourite blanket or some treats inside the carrier can entice them in and create a positive association. Allowing your cat to become familiar with the carrier a few weeks before an intended trip is a great way to ensure they feel comfortable and relaxed inside it.

Cat travel carrier

Create A Comfortable Carrier

There are many ways to encourage your cat to get into the cat carrier and make them feel comfortable:

Cats are very sensitive to smell. In fact, their sense of smell is 14 times more sensitive than humans. Take advantage of this fact and make the carrier’s scent familiar. Avoid any scents that may remind them of previous trips to the vet.

To achieve this, ensure you clean the cat carrier regularly. Gently scrub it with a pet-safe cleaning product, and wash any blankets or towels used for bedding.

When using the cat carrier, remember to use your cat’s favourite blanket or small bed. The familiar scent will help create a comforting environment inside the carrier, making the trip more enjoyable for your furry friend.

Get Your Cat in The Carrier Safely

  • Gently pick up your cat, securing their back feet with one hand and supporting their chest with the other.
  • Slowly guide them into the carrier backwards to reduce anxiety, ensuring they can’t see where they are going.
  • If your cat attempts to escape during this process, wrap them in a thick towel to prevent scratches.
Cat travelling in carrier

General Transport Tips

To make sure your cat travels comfortably while in the cat carrier, here are some useful transport tips:

  • Avoid feeding them an hour before your travel. It should prevent them from experiencing nausea or motion sickness.
  • Cover the cat carrier with a towel or a thin sheet to help create a cosy and secure environment, reduce stress and promote a more comfortable travel experience.
  • Do not place the cat carrier on the ground, especially if there are dogs around. It will only make your cat feel stressed and scared.
  • When planning to go on a long drive, train your cat first by taking him on short trips. Offer a few tasty treats after the drive to foster a positive association with travelling in the car.
  • If you are going on a long drive, make sure to take frequent breaks. Stop for a 10 to 15-minute break every few hours to help keep them comfortable on the journey.
  • Talk with your cat’s vet before travelling. They may suggest medications for motion sickness or anxiety, which can be invaluable in ensuring a smoother journey. Even if your cat doesn’t typically require these medications, having them on hand can be a lifesaver in unforeseen circumstances.
Buying a Cat Carrier

Buying a Cat Carrier

When shopping for a cat carrier, think about what would make your furry friend feel safe and comfortable during travel. Look for carriers that are sturdy yet cosy, with enough room for them to stand up, turn around and lay down comfortably.

Consider features like secure latches and easy-to-clean materials for your convenience. Don’t forget about portability – you’ll want something easy to carry on your adventures together.

Take your time to find the perfect carrier that suits both your cat’s needs and your lifestyle. After all, it’s all about making sure they feel happy and secure wherever you go.

Ian’s Wrap

Taking on board these handy tips can greatly ease the process of using a cat carrier, making travel with your feline friend a smoother and more enjoyable experience for both of you.

From introducing familiar scents to ensuring adequate space and comfort, every step counts in ensuring your cat feels secure and at ease during transit.

From my own experience, taking the time to introduce my cat to her carrier has really helped reduce her anxiety and made our outings together much more enjoyable.

Whether it’s a routine vet visit or an exciting trip away, investing in a well-prepared and cosy cat carrier can truly transform the travel experience for both you and your feline companion.

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