The Best Egg-Laying Chicken Breeds


Chicken eggs are a delicious and versatile source of protein, enjoyed around the world. From breakfast scrambles to decadent pastries, their culinary uses are endless.

According to a 2018 report by the team at Particle, the average Australian consumes around 290 eggs per year! The rising demand for eggs has fuelled the popularity of backyard chicken keeping.

If you’re considering raising chickens for their eggs, here are some of the top breeds known for their impressive laying abilities:

Amber White

Bred specifically for egg production, Amber Whites are a cross between Rhode Island Whites and Rhode Island Reds. These chickens lay around 300 yellowish or brownish eggs annually.

They’re not just egg-cellent layers, Amber Whites are also known for their beautiful white plumage and friendly disposition.

While they can get along with other breeds, be mindful of their tendency to attempt escape attempts. A well-built coop with a secure run is crucial for these active birds.


Hailing from South America (specifically Chile), the Araucana is a relatively rare breed prized for its unique appearance and egg colour.

These chickens have a distinctive rumpless and tufted look, often mistaken for Easter Eggers.

Like the Cream Crested Legbar, Araucanas lay beautiful bluish-green eggs, averaging around 200 medium-sized eggs per year. They adapt well to confinement in a coop but appreciate some outdoor time as well.


Originating from Australia, Australorps hold the title for the most eggs laid by a single hen in one year, as recognised by the Guinness World Records.

These chickens are revered for their exceptional egg production, with hens typically laying around 250 to 300 large brown eggs per year.

Australorps are also known for their docile temperament, making them suitable for both backyard settings and commercial egg production operations.

Black Copper Maran

Looking for eggs with a touch of drama? Look no further than the Black Copper Maran. These stunning birds lay some of the darkest brown eggs you’ll ever see, adding a touch of elegance to your egg basket.

Black Copper Marans are known for being hardy layers, even during winter, and can produce up to 200 or more eggs annually. They adjust well to coop life but also enjoy some supervised outdoor time.

Bovan Goldline

This friendly hybrid, resulting from a Rhode Island Red rooster and a Light Sussex hen, boasts impressive egg production.

Bovan Goldlines can lay a whopping 330 brown eggs per year. To maintain their high egg quality, ensure they have access to a nutritious diet, fresh water, and plenty of space to graze in a secure chicken run.

While Bovan Goldlines are generally social with other breeds, their flighty nature might necessitate a taller fence around your coop.

Bovans Nera

Living up to its Dutch name for “black” (Nera), this breed features black feathers with hints of brown.

Developed in the Netherlands, Bovans Nera hens are known for laying a generous amount of large, brown eggs – anywhere from 270 to 340 per year! These hardy birds are well-suited for beginner chicken keepers due to their friendly and docile nature.

They’re comfortable being confined in a coop but also enjoy outdoor grazing, even in harsh weather conditions.

Cream Crested Legbar

True to their name, these attractive chickens sport a distinctive crest on their heads. Inheriting their muscular build from ancestors like the Brown Leghorn and Barred Rock.

Cream Crested Legbars are popular for their colourful bluish green. These hens can lay up to 180 eggs per year and are known for their docile temperament, making them a good choice for beginners.

ISA Brown

Known for their remarkable egg-laying prowess, ISA Browns are a hybrid breed developed specifically for high egg production.

They are known to lay approximately 300 to 350 large brown eggs annually, making them one of the top choices for backyard egg production.

Beyond their exceptional egg-laying abilities, ISA Browns are also prized for their friendly demeanour and adaptability to various climates and living conditions.

White Leghorn

A mainstay in commercial egg production, the White Leghorn is another top contender for backyard flocks.

Despite their average size, White Leghorns are prolific layers, known for producing some of the largest white eggs in the chicken world. These “egg machines” can lay close to 300 eggs per year, often at a daily rate.

While friendly and agile, White Leghorns can be quite flighty, so ensure your coop is secure to prevent escapes.


Remember, these are just a few of the many excellent egg-laying chicken breeds available. Before making your final decision, consider factors like your climate, available space, and desired egg colour.

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