Tag Archives: pet rabbits

Fun Activities to Play with Your Pet Rabbits

Fun Activities to Play with Your Pet Rabbits

Playing with your pet rabbits offers them both physical and mental stimulation, resulting in happier and healthier bunnies. It also helps strengthen your bond. Many people assume that rabbits don’t like to play. And while it’s true they won’t play fetch like a dog, rabbits still like to have fun. In this blog post, I’ll […]

How to Safely Travel with Pet Rabbits

How to Safely Travel with Pet Rabbits

Planning a long trip and can’t bear to leave your beloved rabbit behind? Fear not! While traveling with bunnies may seem daunting, with the right preparation and care, it can be an enriching experience for both you and your fluffy friends. From safety tips to creating a cosy travel haven, we’ve got you covered. Join […]

4 Common Rabbit Injuries That Need Immediate Vet Attention

common rabbit injuries, rabbit care, rabbits, pet rabbits'

Pet rabbits bring joy to us pet owners and our family. It is part our job as the pet owner to be the caretaker of them and keeping our pet rabbit healthy and safe from harm. But no matter how careful we are, there are still some time that our pet rabbits can’t avoid accidents […]

The Best Care Guide for Your Pet Rabbits

pet rabbits, care guide, pet care, rabbits, bunnies

We know why you are here. You are looking for the best care guide for your pet rabbits. Well, you have come to the right place. Here, we will teach you the best ways to care for your furry pals. After all, a healthy rabbit is a happy rabbit. Rabbits Need Exercise Most pet owners, […]

9 Rabbit Toys You Can Make at Home

rabbit toys, pet rabbits

Every pet enjoys playing, and your bunnies are no exceptions. Whether you believe it or not, they are even more playful than the typical cats and dogs. They like to run, jump, hop, and even play hide and seek in their rabbit hutches! They just want to challenge and entertain themselves. So, to keep them […]

How to Identify Heat Stroke in Pet Rabbits

pet rabbits, rabbit care

Pet rabbits have limited ways to get rid of body heat. They can’t pant like dogs. Also, they can’t grab an ice cream for themselves like humans. For that reason, they are at high risk for heat stroke. But since they are so good at hiding stress and other health-related concerns, they don’t always appear […]

Learning How to Grow Food for Pet Rabbits

Learning How to Grow Food for Pet Rabbits min

One of the good things about raising pet rabbits is the fact that you can grow their foods by yourself in your yard. What’s best is that you need not to be an expert to grow the favourites of your bunnies! So how do you start? Before anything else, let’s familiarize what is container gardening, […]