Tag Archives: rabbit care

Rabbit Proof Your Home with These Tips

Rabbit Proof Your Home With These Tips

When living with indoor bunnies, it is vitally important to rabbit-proof your home. Rabbit-proofing your home means taking the time to identify and address any potential hazards, to create a safe environment for your bunny to explore. But how exactly do you do that?

How to Identify Heat Stroke in Pet Rabbits

How To Prevent Heat Stroke In Pet Rabbits

Pet rabbits have limited ways to get rid of body heat and are at high risk for heat stroke. But since they’re good at hiding stress, they don’t always appear unwell. That means, as a rabbit owner, you have to be extra vigilant to recognise signs of trouble in your pets.

A Guide on What NOT to Feed Your Rabbits

What NOT to Feed your Rabbits

As a devoted rabbit owner, I understand the importance of providing our furry friends with a safe and nutritious diet. While it’s tempting to share every snack and treat with our beloved bunnies, not all foods are suitable for their sensitive digestive systems. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of rabbit nutrition, uncovering the foods that should be avoided at all costs.