9 Ways to Help Your Feline Friend Shed Excess Pounds

cat obesity, feline friend, cat scratching post

Hearing the news that your feline friend is obese can be very heart breaking. However, there are things you can do to help. So, breathe in and breathe out. Everything will turn out fine. When it comes to eating, cats are usually categorized into two groups. There are those that simply consume what’s on their […]

How to Comfort Your Pets When There Are Fireworks

How to Comfort Your Pets When There Are Fireworks

The New Year is almost here and when the new year is coming it can only mean one thing, Fireworks. While most people are excited for the upcoming new year, our beloved pets may not be that excited. With all the banging and exploding, our pets will surely feel anxious and scared like there is […]

5 Things to Do at Home With Your Pets During Christmas

5 Things to Do at Home With Your Pets During Christmas

If you are that type of person who just wants to spend the Christmas season at home with your beloved pets, then you’re in luck because we will be talking about fun stuff to do together with your pet at home. While most people wants to travel far or go some place where they have […]

7 Tips on Travelling with Pets on Holidays

travelling with pets, pet care, pet care 101

We have to admit that some people likes to travel on new places or even old places during holidays. While some other people  prefer to stay at the own comfort of their own home, some pet owners likes to travel during holidays, leaving them with a choice of either leaving their pets at home with […]

Tips on Puppy Proofing Your Own Yard

puppy proofing, puppy care, dog care

Having a puppy or a lot of puppies is a very fun experience to have. They are very active and loves to play, especially playing outside your yard. But playing in your very own yard poses some dangers to your beloved little puppies. You may not know but there are some objects or plants that […]

General Information About Raising a Rabbit Indoors

rabbit run, rabbit care, rabbit care 101

One thing that I think most people will agree on is that rabbits are super adorable and cute. But not everyone wants to have a pet rabbit because they might have a dog or a cat or some reasons that don’t allow them to own one. Raising a rabbit requires a bit of hard work so […]

7 Common Guinea Pig Behaviours, Explained

guinea pig behaviours, guinea pigs, cavies, common guinea pig behaviours

Guinea pigs are cute and lovable little creatures that are a very popular pet to children but also to some adults. They can be friendly or sometimes mischievous depending on their personality. Their behaviors towards you or another guinea pig have meaning to it. You might be able to observe any of these behavior if […]

9 Tips for Introducing Your New Kitten to Other Cats

cats, new kitten, kitten introduction, introducing your new kitten

Already have a grown up cat or an army of grown up cats at home but you still want to adopt a new kitten to join the group? You’re in luck because today we are going to give you some tips on how to to introduce your new kitten to the other cats. Introducing the […]

Why Ferrets Bite: The Truth Behind a Strange Behaviour

ferrets, ferret care, ferret care guide, ferret biting

One of the most misunderstood things that ferrets do is biting. Biting is a form of ferret communication. Many ferret owners deny the fact that ferrets bite a lot because they fear the image of owning a ferret getting tarnished. All different animals, big or small, wild or domesticated, will bite depending on their circumstances. […]