Author Archives: Jordan Walker

Caring for an African Grey Parrot

African Grey parrot by blackangel on flickr

There are many aspects to caring for an African Grey parrot.  Here, we focus on finding a suitable cage and providing a healthy diet for your parrot. Finding a suitable cage You should consider the largest cage that you can find and afford.  It should be at least 90 centimetres square and about 1.2 metres […]

Top 50 Rat Facts

top 50 rat facts

TOP 50 RAT FACTS 1 #DidYouKnow? RATS are very poor climbers but are just amazing swimmers. 2 #DidYouKnow? RATS have got one of the best memories, when they learn a path, they actually will never forget it. 3 #DidYouKnow? RATS don’t actually like cheese, unlike it is always suggested, they are actually lactose intolerant (allergic […]

Top 50 Rabbit Facts

top 50 rabbit facts

Health Rabbits generally are not heavy animals but the heaviest rabbit was ‘Darius’ who weighed a massive 22.6 kg. Rabbits need to be spayed and neutered, as it is essential for them to maintain their good health. Rabbits require 4 good hours of exercise a day, as they can suffer from osteoporosis if they don’t get enough […]

Top 25 Ferret Facts

top 50 ferret facts

Top 25 Ferret Facts 1 #DidYouKnow? FERRETS have different names, an unspayed female is a ‘jill’ and an unspayed male is a ‘sprite’. 2 #DidYouKnow? FERRETS live for an average of 6 to 7 years but have know to live a bit longer. 3 #DidYouKnow? FERRETS are actually members on the ‘mink’ family. 4 #DidYouKnow? […]