10 of the Gentlest Dog Breeds on the Planet

10 of the GENTLEST DOG BREEDS on the Planet 1

They say, “A house without a pet is never a home.” I totally agree with that. However, I have to be honest to you and to myself. The only pet that could ever make my house a home is my chocolate Labrador. Well, it’s nothing to argue about. It’s only my opinion as I’ve been living with him for years now. We’ve already formed a very strong bond that nobody can ever break.

Anyway, if you are planning to get a pet dog, here are the dog breeds I personally recommend. Take note that these suggestions are only based on their personality, so you can still opt for another breed you like if you don’t agree with me about these dogs being gentle. But before we get into details, I’ll give you a hint. I’ve hidden a special treat on this page, which you can use to keep your pooches happy, and I am hoping you can find them.

Okay! I know you are already very excited, so here you go. These are 10 of the gentlest dog breeds you’ll ever see.

1. The Golden Retriever


Even if it is not as big as the Labrador Retriever, it is still kind, loyal, confident, and smart. It is not timid. It is not aggressive. Rather, it is very patient, making it best for kids. Even if it requires plenty of exercise, just playing with kids will suffice.

2. Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever
I’m sure you have heard about this breed already. And for a good reason, it is very popular throughout the world. Since the Labradror Retriever is reliable, protective, patient, playful, and caring, it is considered a perfect family pet. Its beauty and grace is matched by its sweet personality and cleverness.

3. Poodle


The poodle is an intelligent and gentle dog. It is ideal for kids with allergies because it only sheds a bit. Even so, it requires frequent grooming. This creature’s friendly nature and patience make it the perfect playing partner for a kid.

4. Irish Setter


Popular for its red shiny coat, the Irish Setter is an energetic and playful dog that loves the company of people, especially kids. This pooch needs regular exercise, so it really matches the needs of children.

5. The Vizsla


Even if it is not a popular breed, it is actually one of the best dogs for families with kids. The Vizsla has an energetic disposition yet a docile manner. It is even very affectionate and loyal. What’s great about this breed is that it does not really possess that strong dog smell.

6. Newfoundland


Tagged as “Nature’s Babysitter”, the Newfoundland enjoys the company of kids. It is even very protective of them. Though it is known to shed excessively, it is not advised to have it caged outside in the yard. This breed loves to stay inside the house with the family. Also, the Newfoundland is an excellent swimmer. As a matter of fact, it has already saved a number of lives in various emergency and rescue operations.

7. Collie


Because of Lassie, this dog breed became famous. The collie is known for its gentle nature and for being highly trainable. It easily gets along with kids and they love to find ways to please their owners. It even protects the entire family. Since it has long hair, it requires regular grooming.

8. The Bull Terrier


Often mistaken as an aggressive creature, the Bull Terrier is actually a great companion dog. This dog breed is loving and friendly towards mature individuals and kids. Due to their high-tolerance for pain, the bull terriers are great for kids who are still trying to get a feel of how to treat dogs. Here’s an interesting fact about them. They are capable of returning your affection by taking good care and protecting your kids.

9. Beagle


Although they were originally bred as hunting dogs, Beagles fit perfectly in homes with frisky kids. The reason is that they are never get tired easily when playing games. Even if they require frequent brushing and bathing due to shedding, they are still loved because they are happy, friendly, and smart.

10. Bull Dog


Noted for its tough build, the Bull dog is a great family dog. Why? It is because it is loyal, docile, and friendly. Aside from that, it also gets along other animals easily. Because of its gentle nature, it is considered a great pet for those living in small apartments or large houses.

Which one do you think fits your needs and your personality? Mine’s number two! Obviously! But always remember that getting a gentle dog breed does not mean you can easily tame them and make them feel comfortable with you. Of course, you need to be a little bit hands-on at first by providing their basic needs like a comfortable dog house and a family. Once they feel your sincere intention towards them, for sure they will repay you with love and affection in ways they can only show.

Image Sources: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

5 thoughts on “10 of the Gentlest Dog Breeds on the Planet

  1. Mitchel says:

    Nice list, wouldn’t argue with any of them.

    Noticing that you didn’t include any small breeds, though. Thinking about it, large breeds to do (in general) tend to be a bit gentler and more patient, but are there any small/toy breeds you recommend? Have to say that our Jack Russell pup is a sweetie, but not as tolerant with the kids as I would hope.


    • JordanWalker says:

      Hi, Mitchel. Thank you so much!

      Yes, you are correct. Large breeds are gentler and more patient. Still, there are other small breeds that are known for being affectionate and adaptable. Among them are the Shih Tzu, Maltese, Pomeranian, and of course, Jack Russell. But then again, I personally believe that the way we dog parents handle may also affect the way they behave. 🙂

  2. Mitchel says:

    Nice list, wouldn’t argue with any of them.

    Noticing that you didn’t include any small breeds, though. Thinking about it, large breeds to do (in general) tend to be a bit gentler and more patient, but are there any small/toy breeds you recommend? Have to say that our Jack Russell pup is a sweetie, but not as tolerant with the kids as I would hope.


    • JordanWalker says:

      Hi, Mitchel. Thank you so much!

      Yes, you are correct. Large breeds are gentler and more patient. Still, there are other small breeds that are known for being affectionate and adaptable. Among them are the Shih Tzu, Maltese, Pomeranian, and of course, Jack Russell. But then again, I personally believe that the way we dog parents handle may also affect the way they behave. 🙂

  3. Susan says:

    Is the bull terrier the same as a pit bull? Our pit bull was awesome with us not so much with other dogs. She was my son’s, his daughter was 2 when he brought home a 5 week old female pitbull, Zoey. I thought he was nuts & I was terrified. He said “Mom, it’s all about how you raise them.” Well I made sure this sweet girl would only know the love. Not to run on but have you ever heard of a dog dying from a broken heart?

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