Everything You Need to Know about Rats

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In some countries, rats are considered pests. Even so, many people treat rats as great pets. For them, these rodents are not just friendly. They are also easy to deal with. But then again, to be able to appreciate them, one must know and understand that these adorable creatures have unique characteristics and traits. To […]

A Useful Guide to Cleaning a Ferret Cage

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As a responsible ferret owner, it is your job to clean the ferret cage regularly. And when you say clean, this includes wiping, replacing the sheets, washing the accessories, and getting rid of the litter. Since it is just a very small area, we assume that it would be very easy for you to take […]

Rabbit Hutch Cleaning & Maintenance Guide

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Cleaning a rabbit hutch isn’t something that everybody looks forward to. As a matter of fact, many thinks it is a really difficult chore. But then again, every household with bunnies must maintain cleanliness in the enclosures to prevent the build up of bacteria that may result in illnesses. Well, rabbit hutches are not really […]

Must Know Tips Before Buying a Dog Crate

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There are plenty of good reasons to dog crate train your pooch. While it is vital to avoid any unwanted breakages at home, it also serves an important purpose in their lives. How? Dogs do not usually want their beds to be soiled. Therefore, if the crate is designed as a resting place, your dog […]

A Guide to Choosing the Right Dog Cages

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Though there are several aspects you should take into account when buying dog cages, the first thing you should check is whether it really fits your purpose. Take note that a dog kennel or cage can be a visually pleasing thing, but you need to watch out of the chic and classy options as some […]

Chicken Coop Design Mistakes You Must Avoid

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Though there are plenty of chicken coops sold on pet stores and online today, some poultry farmers would rather design and build their own coop. For them, it is not just a rewarding experience. It also gives them the chance to offer their flock something unique, but still satisfies their wants and fits the budget. […]

Essential Chicken Coop Parts You Should Know

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You might be wondering why raising chickens in the backyard is becoming more and more common these days. Well, its increasing popularity has varying reasons. While some just love the taste of fresh eggs, others simply enjoy the sight of chickens every day. But then again, raising chooks at home is no easy feat. You […]

The Different Types of Guinea Pig Cages

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Many pet owners think that it is completely fine to house a guinea pig in an aquarium because it is the typical scenario. Though it is acceptable at times, there are instances when this does not do any good as certain types of guinea pig cages don’t actually provide enough space for your furry buddies. […]

Quick and Easy Ways to Clean a Chicken Coop

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Raising chickens can be profitable, yet tedious. To be sure you go on the right path, lots of aspects should be checked, including cleanliness. Whether you like it or not, keeping chicken coop cleanliness is something that you cannot avoid as a dedicated poultry raiser. This is extremely vital to prevent health issues that may […]

Keep Your Pets Happy and Safe This Christmas


Christmas is the time to party and get together with loved ones, family members, and friends. Although that fact is quite obvious, nothing else can ruin good cheers than emergencies like unexpected trips to the vet. Of course, keeping your pets safe all the time is your responsibility as a pet owner. But we do […]