Cats are highly vocal creatures. According to experts, they can produce over 100 different sounds.
Cats use their voice as a way to communicate with us and with one another.
It’s important to understand what they’re trying to communicate.
By doing so, we can build stronger bonds with our feline friends and provide them with the best possible care.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss the 10 most common reasons cats meow.
1. Greeting
There’s nothing quite like coming home to a furry friend who is excited to see you.
While cats meow for a variety of reasons, one of the most common is simply to say “hello.” Cats greet you because they see you as a member of their family.
If your cat welcomes you at the door with a hearty meow, it’s likely that they’re just happy to see you. Be sure to give them a pat or a snack to let them know you’re happy to see them too.
2. Hunger
Cats will often meow at their owners if they are hungry and want to be fed.
While some cats may be more subtle about their needs, others can be quite insistent – and they won’t let you forget that it’s dinnertime!
In addition to being hungry, cats may also meow if they need their water bowl to be filled up.
So, if your cat is meowing at you frequently, pay attention to their needs and make sure that they are well-fed and hydrated.
3. Asking for Help
One common reason for meowing is if your cat wants help with something.
For instance, if a door is closed and they want you to open it for them, they’ll often meow as a way of asking for your assistance.
Or perhaps you put their favourite toy in a drawer and they need help getting it back out.
If your indoor cat is standing at your back door meowing, it may be asking you for some outside time.
Consider setting up an enclosed outdoor cat run. This will allow your cat time in the fresh air without being at risk of getting lost or hit by traffic.
4. Attention
One reason cats meow is simply for attention. Cats are social creatures, and they crave interaction with their humans.
If you find that your cat is meowing more than usual, it may be because it’s feeling neglected.
Make sure to spend some quality time with your feline friend every day, whether it’s playing with its favourite toy or just petting him while you watch TV.
If you are very busy, provide your cat with a scratching post to keep it entertained.
5. Separation Anxiety
If your cat meows excessively when left alone, it may be suffering from separation anxiety.
This is when cats that have formed a strong bond with their owners then become stressed out when left alone.
Certain breeds, such as Siamese, are more prone to separation anxiety, but any cat can suffer from this condition.
There are a number of ways to help your cat cope with separation anxiety, such as providing toys and treats that keep it occupied.
You may also want to consider getting another pet for company. Ultimately, the best way to reduce your cat’s stress is to spend time with it every day, so it knows that it is loved and cherished.
6. Pain or Illness
Cats are very independent creatures, and they usually don’t like to show weakness.
So, when your cat starts meowing at you constantly, you know something is wrong. It could be a sign that they are in pain or unwell.
If you suspect this is the case, take your cat to the vet as soon as possible.
The sooner you catch an illness, the easier it will be to treat. And, of course, your cat will appreciate your help in getting them back to good health.
7. Fear
If your cat is meowing loudly and excessively, it could be a sign that it is feeling scared or agitated. This is most commonly seen during car travel or at the vet’s office.
The truth is that we don’t really know why they do this, but there are a few theories. One possibility is that meowing is a natural response to stress or fear, similar to the way that humans might cry or shout when they are feeling overwhelmed.
Another theory is that are trying to communicate their fear or distress to their humans in the hopes that we will do something to help them.
Regardless of the reason, it’s important to remember that your cat is not doing this to annoy you. Comfort your cat and let it know everything will be alright.
8. Feeling Threatened
Cats make a lot of noise when they feel angry. You might hear this when two cats are fighting or when one cat feels threatened by another. It will viciously meow at the other as a sign of aggression.
The meow itself is usually quite loud and high-pitched, almost like a wail. It’s often compared to a battle cry, and it’s meant to intimidate the other cat. In some cases, it can also be a warning sign that violence is about to erupt.
So, if you hear your cats meowing at each other aggressively, it’s best to separate them and keep them apart until they’ve calmed down.
Fighting or Feeling Threatened
Cats meow when they are fighting or when one cat feels threatened by another
9. In Heat
Female cats usually go into heat a few times per year, and during this time they will regularly let out a high-pitched screech known as yowling or caterwauling.
This yowling is actually a way of announcing to any nearby males that the female is available for breeding.
Male cats may yowl back, and they may also hang around your home in hopes of getting the chance to mate.
This behaviour can be very frustrating for pet owners who are kept awake at night by their cat’s cries.
The only way to avoid this problem is to have your female cat desexed, which will prevent her from going into heat.
10. Aging
As cats age, they may start to meow more often. There are a few possible reasons for this change in behaviour.
One is that older cats may be losing their hearing, and they don’t realise how loudly they are meowing.
Another is that declining cognitive function and confusion can lead to increased vocalisation.
While the noise can be frustrating for owners, it is important to try to be understanding of your furry friend and enjoy your last years together.
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