Give Your Pooch the Perfect Dog Kennel


A dog kennel is more like your dog’s castle. So to be able to make it appear like a home, there are certain guidelines that should be taken into account. Regardless if you are actually building or buying a ready-made dog kennel, as a dedicated dog owner, you can do something to make it look better. How?

Over the years, I’ve met lots of dog owners. During our random short talks and conversations, I learned how they helped their dogs live comfortably in their respective homes. I’ve sorted below some of those that I found interesting and useful. But before we get into every detail, I’d like to give you a heads up. At the end of this post, I’ll be giving you a special present. So stay tuned! Now, let us begin.

1. “Whenever I get a new dog kennel, I always make it a point to consider where I am going to put it,” said Mark.

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Mark owns a Golden Retriever. We usually see each other during our scheduled Sunday dog walks in the park.

According to him, the location of the dog kennel is very critical. He believes every location has shortcomings that need to be taken into account. I remember he said, “A kennel that will be placed inside my house and a kennel that will be put up in the garage have varying features.”

Technically, this is what he meant. A kennel that is placed inside the garage will save the owners from all the noise and the smell. On the other hand, a kennel that is put up inside the house will help clear the view of one’s home to passers-by.

2. “The materials used in the dog kennel matters a lot,” explained Vernon.

Vernon is a frequent customer in our store. I personally process most of his orders because I kinda know what he wants in a dog kennel.

The first time I heard from him, he was talking to a member of our customer support team. He was saying, “I want a dog kennel that is narrow, something that passed the standard dimensions.” Honestly, I didn’t know anything about dog cage or kennel standards. Glad that our team was able to find one that he really wants, a kennel with a measurement of 48 inches long.

The reason that dogs need this wide space is to encourage them to naturally urinate at the farthest end of the kennel. If they get accustomed with this, then they won’t be that much exposed to bacteria and viruses that carry diseases.

3. “Do not ever underestimate the walls and flooring,” Phoebe said.

Phoebe is our neighbour who loves her German shepherd so much. I find her spending most of her time in her yard with her canine pal.

One day, I saw her in the hardware buying concrete. Being the curious person I am, I asked whether she had an on-going DIY project. She just replied, “The flooring under my dog’s kennel cracked, I need to have it fixed.” From what she said, I immediately got her point.

Concrete is a great material for flooring. Although it is quite costly and difficult to install, it is known for its toughness and longevity. However, over time, concrete will crack because of uncontrollable factors like unexpected ground shifts or the extreme temperatures.

4. “A good fencing saves my dog from any potential threat,” shared Edgar.

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Edgar is my childhood friend. When we were younger, we always spent the whole afternoon playing hide-and-seek with our other friends. His dog, Bernard, also comes along with us.

Since his dog kennel is outside, he needs to make sure Bernard is safe. That is why he decided to install a fence.

Before New Year’s Eve, fireworks were already starting to explode in the skies. Little Bernard panicked. And so, he was running in and out of his kennel. Fortunately, it was fenced, so Bernard could not go any further. After hearing the cries of his dog, Edgar rushed and brought him in. Thankfully, with the help of the fence, Bernard was not able to escape.

Based on these statements I’ve gathered, do you already have an idea how to give your pooch the best dog kennel? Well obviously, you can’t purchase a perfect dog kennel. It is your efforts that make it perfect. As such, by learning from others’ experiences, you should be able to give your dogs a dog kennel he can happily call home.

Since you are still here reading this post, I know exactly what you want. Don’t worry. I haven’t forgotten about that. Here you go. Can you see the small box below? Yes, it is the one with the name and email address text field. Simply input your details there and wait for your present go straight into your inbox. I hope you will find it useful.

One thought on “Give Your Pooch the Perfect Dog Kennel

  1. dogzonline says:

    Fireworks are killers when it comes to dog’s ‘mental health’. Even though I’m against it I always close my dog in the cellar for the New Year’s Eve but a soundproof kennel would be a saving grace.

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