5 Pet-Friendly Lenten Season Resolutions

pet care, pet-friendly resolutions, Lenten season

When the Lenten season begins, we often decide to give up something, even if it means the whole world to them. It could be something we are used to having all the time or something that has a special spot in our hearts. Whether you do it in observance of Lent or just because you […]

8 Autumn Season Myths About Pet Dogs

autumn season, pet myths, pet dogs

Does my pooch need to be treated for flea in the autumn months? Do I need to offer him a special dog food, designed for the fall? Are there foods I have to avoid to prevent upsetting his tummy? Whether or not you are new to raising pet dogs, for sure, there are many different […]

5 Healthy Oils to Add to Your Dog’s Diet

healthy oils, dog diet, dog food, dog care, dogs

With his regular diet, your pet dog may be getting all the nutrition he needs. However, there’s nothing wrong with taking the extra mile. Although commercial dog foods are already packed with essential nutrients, you can still supplement your dog’s daily food routine with healthy oils to further improve their health. Here are some healthy […]

10 Helpful Advice for New Pet Cat Owners

pet cat, cat care

Cats make excellent pets. Not only do they appear cute; they also make excellent companions. But then again, there is more to owning a pet cat than having a fluffy companion. So, if you are new to this whole pet ownership thing, there are several points to keep in mind. We’ve listed 10 of them […]

How to Identify Heat Stroke in Pet Rabbits

pet rabbits, rabbit care

Pet rabbits have limited ways to get rid of body heat. They can’t pant like dogs. Also, they can’t grab an ice cream for themselves like humans. For that reason, they are at high risk for heat stroke. But since they are so good at hiding stress and other health-related concerns, they don’t always appear […]

The Code of Conduct to Raising Pet Birds

bird care, pet birds

As a pet bird owner, have you met other people who disapprove of your animal companion? Well, honestly, it’s not that they don’t like your pet. Perhaps, they are just questioning whether keeping birds as pets is acceptable. There are plenty of talks, saying keeping birds as pets is cruel because they have to be […]

How Pets Make Life Better This Year of the Fire Rooster

pet care, pets, year of the fire rooster

As a pet lover, there’s no denying that our fur babies bring a whole new level of happiness in our lives. Although there are instances when times get rough, they just manage to wake us up to a smiling face. So, for those of you who still don’t have a furry pal, you will be […]

20 Most Popular Heritage Chicken Breeds

heritage chicken breeds, egg-laying breeds, chickens

Are you planning to raise chickens at home? If your answer to the question is a yes, then we’re assuming you have already heard about the different heritage chicken breeds. However, we won’t expect you to be experts about these birds. That is why we’ve created this comprehensive guide for you. Becoming a loyal supporter […]

Dog Vitamins: All Questions Answered

Dog Vitamins min

According to statistics, people who take dietary supplements and vitamins are more likely to give their pet dogs the same. They strongly believe that their canine buddies need a regular dose of vitamins and minerals to stay in good shape. While some experts believe that these additions to daily pet food work well, others think […]

10 Common Health Problems in Pet Cats

health problems in pet cats, pet cats

Your pet cats may look in good condition, but they actually need your help to stay in perfect shape. That means regular checkups and shots are needed to keep illnesses at bay. Then again, by familiarizing the common health problems in felines, you will be able to identify early signs and get them treated accordingly. […]